
Register for Housing Help Services

Before registering for assistance from our Housing Help division, first verify whether you are in our geographic area of service. We can assist those who are currently in the geographic area defined by this map.

    All information collected is strictly confidential. Please allow up to three business days for a member of our staff to follow up. If you do not hear from us, call 416-531-0841.

    Contact Information



    Statistical Information

    This information does not impact whether you receive assistance from us, and is only collected to help us better understand the communities we serve.

    More Information

    Current Housing

    Services We Provide

    Services we provide:

    • Help you search for housing in the city and explore your housing options

    • Provide you with housing information and housing resources

    • Provide you access to market rental listings

    • Help you access supports to maintain your housing

    • Assist you to complete and update subsidized housing applications

    • Provide information & referrals to other City services

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